
What is PubReps???

PubReps is affordable Order / Product Management, including CRM and Commission Tracking for your Sales Agency.
If you are a large sales rep group or a single independent rep, PubReps is the best solution!

Built for wide range of industries, including Book Publishers, Greeting Cards, Gift Lines, General Merchandise, Apparel & Fashion, Equipment Supply, Food & Beverage, Furniture & Houseware, and more.

If you are on the road, in a store / show room or in your office, PubReps runs on desktop or web including your laptop or IPAD/tablet/phone.

Features and Services

Product Data Management / Order Forms
    Manage item data, including pictures. Build custom order forms.

Sales Order Writing / Bar Code Labels
    Simple order entry, including scanning bar codes

Accouting Integrations
    Integrate your data to any backend accouting system

Sales Reporting
    Many reports with date ranges and filters

Stay in Sync
    Keep in sync with all group and vendor members

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PubReps is all you need to manage and sell your products!

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